Leg physical therapy
Physical therapy is a treatment method that can help relieve pain, restore function and improve quality of life. The goal of physical therapy is to strengthen the body’s muscles and increase the range of motion in order to reduce or eliminate pain. There are many different types of physical therapies, including manual manipulation (massage), therapeutic exercise, strengthening exercises for injured muscles, heat treatments, ice treatments and more. Physical therapists use various methods such as ultrasound or electrical stimulation to heal injuries faster than without these interventions.
What is leg physical therapy?
Physical therapy (PT) is a treatment that an individual gets to improve their strength, speed, endurance, coordination, and balance. It can also be used for pain management. PT can help people recover after injury or surgery.
A physical therapist uses several different techniques during the treatment sessions. One major technique they use is called "leg physical therapy". Leg PT is an effective treatment for injuries to the thigh, knee, lower leg, and foot. It is also used to treat people who have recently had surgery on their leg/feet. In general, injury-related leg PT focuses on pain control as well as restoring the patient’s ability to move and walk properly. Ultimately, this makes it easier for them to return to everyday tasks.
Why should I get it?
If you have any of these injuries or issues with your legs/feet, then you can benefit greatly from having leg PT:
-Strained muscles in the thigh or calf
-Stiffness, tightness, or weakness in the knee or ankle
-Numbness or tingling [in] lower [part of] leg/foot
-Injuries to the thigh, knee, calf, foot and ankle such as fractures and sprains
-Patello-Femoral (knee) Syndrome
-Plantar Fasciitis (heel)
-Achilles Tendinitis (heel)
-Stress Fractures to the tibia or femur
-Broken bones in lower leg/foot (tibia, fibula, ankle, etc.)
If you're experiencing any leg pain or discomfort, then you should definitely get PT.
If you want to make sure that your injury gets healed as fast as possible, you should get leg PT.
How does it work?
A physical therapist will take a look at the patient's legs and feet to see what range of motion (ROM) is available and what is causing the problem. They will also ask about past medical history and any surgeries on the affected area.
One of the tools used for leg PT is a "laser". A laser is a tool that emits light to stimulate cellular activity and increase blood flow. It can help with healing and regeneration of cells and tissues, as well as reduce pain. A physical therapist may use a laser for massage and other treatments.
Another tool used is "electrotherapy". Electrotherapy tools send energy through electrodes placed on the patient's body. This energy is sent to targeted cells in the leg and foot which help with reducing swelling and discomfort, as well as increasing range of motion and muscle strength.
One of the most common forms of leg PT are specialized "massages". Massages are using hands or machines to apply pressure to tight muscles, soft tissue and other areas on your legs. The therapist might use their hands, a machine massage tool, or certain oils/liquids during the session. This helps with reducing pain, increasing oxygen and blood flow, while improving flexibility and range of motion in your legs/feet.
Who Can Help With Leg Pain?
Your regular doctor or a physical therapist (PT) can help you with leg discomfort and pain. It is best to go see a physical therapist if:
-You have chronic pain
-You have an injury that has not healed correctly
-You have had surgery on your leg/feet and want to speed up the process of recovery
-You want to prevent injuries
If you do not have an injury, PT is still helpful for people who play a sport such as running or biking. A PT can help these athletes by working on their muscles and ligaments in the legs to make sure that they are strong enough for their sport.
When to see a doctor about leg pain or injury?
It's always good to see your regular doctor if you have any of these symptoms in your leg/feet:
-Sudden (acute) pain, especially with bruising or swelling
-Limping, buckling, or swelling in one leg
-Extreme tiredness (fatigue) in one leg/foot
-Loss of balance or coordination
If you have any of these symptoms, it's best to go see your doctor. If you are unsure if something is serious enough for a trip to the doctor, always ask your regular doctor.
What are the benefits of leg physical therapy?
- Helps speed up recovery from an injury
- Increases range of motion in injured area [useful when rehabbing an injury or following a sport]
- Helps get rid of pain in the affected area [useful for chronic pain management]
- Increases strength and endurance of muscles, ligaments, joints, tendons, etc. in injured area [useful when rehabbing an injury or following a sport]
How long does it take?
Most injuries/surgeries that require physical therapy get better after about 5-6 sessions. If you have chronic pain, it can take up to 20+ sessions for the affected area to feel completely better again.
What should I wear for leg PT?
For Manual Therapy: Wear comfortable clothes, athletic shoes, and socks.
For Electrotherapy: Wear comfortable clothes, athletic shoes. If you want to be barefoot for your session, that's okay too.
For Aquatic Therapy/Fitness: You can wear anything you want to wear when swimming!
For Balance Training: Wear comfortable clothes, athletic shoes.
For Gait Training: You will be barefoot for the majority of the time during your session. You will be wearing socks when you are in the shoe area where you put on your walking orthotics (devices that go into a shoe). When you are sitting, you will be barefoot.
Who do I reach for the best Leg Physical Therapy for me?
The right Physical Therapy facility is in the palm of your hand. At EVOLVE we provide all three: physical therapy, training and EVOLVE! The science-based fitness program combines biomechanics with exercise to help patients get better faster than ever before; contact us today for more information about how we can make a difference in you or someone close enough that matters most.
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