What is Prehabilitation Therapy

What is prehab and how can it help you?

If you are in the athletic field you have probably already heard about the many benefits of prehab, often also referred to as prehabilitation. It is one of today’s leading methods of treating an injury before it occurs by using preventative training. Prehab is a series of exercises that can help you to strengthen weak muscle groups. By doing these kinds of exercises prior to a workout as a warm up, or by attending prehabilitation sessions, you can start to build up your muscle groups that are most prone to injury.

While today it is largely valued for its impact on the health of those in the athletic community, prehab is also known for its ability to help people recover from surgery faster. If you have to have surgery for a sporting injury or maybe even an illness, you will most likely need to work with a skilled physical therapist to complete a series of prehab sessions. Depending on the type of surgery you are going to have, your doctor may recommend that you start physical therapy up to 6 weeks ahead of time. At Evolve, we know that every body and situation is different. We are prepared to treat you based on your specific needs.

What will prehab focus on?

Every prehab program should focus on the following factors including strength, stabilization, range of motion, and coordination. Your individual sessions will be targeted towards your needs as an athlete or patient about to undergo surgery. For example, different professional sports like football or baseball will be set up for the needs of the individual athlete and their sport. While someone who is about to have a joint replacement will have a unique set of stretches and prehab exercises incorporated into their routine for the specific joint and its surrounding muscle and tissue groups.

Who can develop a prehab treatment plan?

Here at Evolve, my team and I can custom create a prehab program that can help you with injury prevention as well as performance enhancement. We have worked with multiple athletes over the years and can put together a plan to get you in your best shape yet. Many of our staff have specialty training that allows them to help you prepare for your sport and build up your strength levels. As in athlete it is important that you are proactive about injury prevention and we know just how to help.

 Common Surgeries that Utilize Prehab Therapy

As opposed to using prehab as a means of functional fitness or athletic training, it is also vital to helping patients recover from surgery. It is imperative that you strengthen any weak muscle groups beforehand so that you will have a better chance at making a full recovery. Below you will find a few of the most common surgeries that often require prehab exercises prior to surgery and starting any sports rehabilitation program.

  • ACL Repair Surgery
  • Rotator Cuff Repairs
  • Orthopedic Surgery
  • Hip & Knee Replacements
  • Joint Replacement

Click here now to Schedule Prehab Therapy in Brooklyn

Prehab Services with Evolve Physical Therapy Brooklyn New York

If you are an athlete or you have a big surgery coming up, don’t wait until it’s too late to start completing your prehab exercises.

Find out more about Evolve Physical Therapy's Specialized Prehabilitation Therapy -
My team and I would love to help you build up your strength, increase your performance enhancement, and improve any weak muscle groups so that you can reduce your risk of injury, and increase your rate of recovery.

Give us a call today to set up your first consultation.  Call: 1-718-258-3300


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